A Year of Journal Prompts

The journal prompts are written with each zodiacs energy in mind. You can use these for each zodiac season, new or full moons or tapping into a certain energy of a transit you are going through. Here are some examples:

It’s Leo Season - do the Leo prompts

It’s a Libra New Moon - do the Libra prompts

It’s a Virgo Full Moon - do the Virgo prompts

Mercury is transiting through Gemini - do the Gemini prompts



Am I being active on a regular basis?

Am I speaking up for what I want and deserve in my life?

Where is my life am I leading? Where in my life do I need to lead more?


Do I feel grounded in my daily routines?

Do I know how much money I have coming in? Do I have a budget created for my expenses?

Am I embodying daily practices for how I truly want to feel in life?


How am I impacting other people around me daily?

What things in my life make me smile? How can I incorporate them into my life more?

What am I curious about?


How am I nurturing myself? What are my self-care and self-love practices?

Am I allowing myself to rest enough?

Do I feel safe? How can I create the feeling of safety more in my life?


Am I feeling creative and letting my ideas flow through me?

What is something you loved to do as a child? Have I done that lately?

Do I feel seen?


When I feel overwhelmed, what strategies do I have to calm my nervous system?

Do I get too wrapped up in the details or am I missing things?

Journal on your last meditation and what came up.


In my deepest of hearts, I know I am capable of...

What causes do you believe in? What do you stand for?

What do you think is missing in your community that you would like to make space for?


Where do I want to transform in my life currently?

Do I acknowledge and work with my shadows?

Where I am willing to dive deep and investigate myself?


How will I show up online authentically and share the message in my heart?

What things do I love the most about my life? What are my most important values?


What does success mean to me?

What type of leader do I want to be?

Do I have goals set at the moment? What is the best way for me to start setting goals? (hint maybe don't call them goals if it doesn't align with your energy)


How am I impacting other people around me daily?

What things in my life make me smile?

How can I incorporate them into my life more?


What messages is the universe sending to me?

Am I allowing my self to be a divine channel of wisdom?

What areas of my life need energy detoxes and releasing so I can let go of things that are not mine?



astrologyLisa-Marie Kiss