Your Summer Solstice Yoga Prescription

New season, new beginnings, new intentions. Here is your Yoga Prescription for the Summer Solstice. Enjoy these yoga poses by me, Lisa, a yoga teacher in training.

Summer Solstice 2019 Yoga Prescription

Step onto your mat (Scoria Connection Mat was used for this practice) and start in Mountain Pose (not pictured below)

Stay in Mountain Pose for a few breaths to find your breath, stability and balance. Remember during your practice you can always come back to this pose to centre and ground yourself.

To start your flow practice I like to take a deep breath in and reach up then stretching to each side for a few breaths while holding your opposite wrist.

You can then move into your forward fold by hinging your hips forward before reaching for the ground, moving into a flat back with hands on shins and then starting your flow (jump or set-back into plank, Chaturanga push-up to upward down and then flow to downward dog.)

Once in downward dog this next part of the flow, would be done on each side:

Extend your right leg back and pull it though to the front of your mat

Find you balance with your back heel lifted and front foot planted firmly and rise up into Crescent Lunge (pictured below)

Hold Crescent Lunge for a few breaths and then move into Warrior II for a few breaths making sure you front knee isn’t collapsing inward and the outer edge of your back foot is firmly planted inline with your mat.

Moving forward into extended side angle, reach your left arm high and bring your right arm to the inside of your bent right leg. If it feel appropriate you can circle your left arm three times slowly to get out any shoulder cracks.

After a few breaths straighten your right leg and move into Triangle pose. Once you’ve held triangle for 3 breaths on your exhale step to the top of your mat and begin on the other side after standing in mountain for a few seconds.

You can end your asana practice off with a 5 minute meditation practice after your Savasana. I enjoy mantra meditation (you can also use sound or breath as your anchor). A mantra you can repeat and come back to during your practice could be something similar to this. “New Season (breathe in), New Beginnings (breathe out).”

Hopefully this ‘ Yoga Prescription ‘ is exactly what you needed to start Summer off on the right foot! Oh and happy International Day of Yoga!



Lisa-Marie Kiss