Introducing — Beginner Astrology School

Led By Lisa Kiss


School is in Session

Learn The Basics in the 12-Week Foundations Course

So, you want to learn more about astrology…I don’t blame you, Astrology has been a great self-actualization and awareness tool that I have used in my life since 2019. I discovered that we are more than just a zodiac sign in my 2019 Yoga Teacher Training. The fact that I had a moon and rising blew my mind and I felt so understood by this system. It just clicked for me and made so much sense. I haven’t stopped my self-study of astrology since that workshop in April 2019!

I’ve gone on to take professional-level courses but self-study is such an important tool because we all have unique ways of learning! One thing that is often missed with astrology in my opinion, is the now what? and practical application how what we have learned.

Become Your Own Astrologer and learn to decode the wisdom in your natal chart. The lens I teach astrology from is a soul journey, healing, empowering and embodiment practice. Your chart can give you great reframes into helping you understand that you are you, designed by the stars and there is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes decoding your chart feels like this giant permission slip (that you just end up granting yourself based on a new learning or perspective shift). Learn the Basics - Transform Your Life.

See below my Beginner Astrology School - 12-Week Foundations Course and what is included. To complete all foundations you must complete all of the items listed below. After learning astrology myself and teaching it, this is the best method I have found for it to work. When you sign up, you can choose between the first 6-weeks or the full 12-weeks with the option to continue learning if you only chose to start with 6-weeks. You will receive a fun certificate of completion at the end as well!

  • ✦Join me for on a journey to better understand your natal chart, a new perspective shift and how we can embody our astrology placements every day:

    1. The Basics: Western Astrology, Whole Sign House System, Natal Chart Navigation, Four Elements, Yin vs. Yang, 3 Modes

    2. The 12 Zodiac Signs

    3. The 10 Planets and Other Chart Elements

    4. The 12 Houses

    5. Putting Everything Together, Synthesizing, Reading Our Own Charts and Others, Q&A

    6. Putting Everything Together, Synthesizing, Reading Our Own Charts and Others, Q&A

    7. Aspects (What they are, how to read them in your chart and understand how to explain the main ones)

    8. Aspects (practicing reading and interpreting)

    9. Transits (What they are, how to spot them, their significance and how to interpret your current transits)

    10. Transits (practicing reading and interpreting)

    11. Progressions (What they are, how to spot them, their significance)

    12. Progressions (practicing reading and interpreting)

  • ✦To better understand and read your own natal chart and better understand yourself, awareness, patterns and soul themes.

    ✦To be able to explain what the aspects in your own chart mean.

    ✦To be able to spot and explain a transit you are currently going through.

    ✦To understand that as you grow and evolve so does your chart with progressions.

BONUS FOR EARLY ENROLMENT Before September 1st, 2024:

Lifetime access to my numerology (life paths and cycles) online course (Value $88)

Upcoming Sessions:

Fall 2024 - Tuesday’s - Oct 1st - Dec 17th (7-9pm ET) 

Your investment will be $594 CAD

Space is limited to a maximum of 5 students

*all classes are recorded on zoom




Join a drop-in study group (on zoom) to practice reading charts and developing your astrology language skills. Being able to synthesize your chart is key to the understanding your soul's purpose. That is what we will be primarily focusing on along with a Q&A each month.


Find Your Flow!

Learn Your Soul’s Cyclical Curriculum with the Bundle

  • ✦ Lifetime Access to Both Programs

    ✦ Harness Your 12 Seasons Course

    ✦ Moon Moves Membership

  • ✦ $497 + HST *all sales final



Explore your natal chart, set intentions and intuitively tap into your cyclical nature with your 12 zodiac seasons. Learn how to use your natal chart as a calendar and planning tool for your most aligned life!

I’ve discovered that the best way to learn astrology is to embody it in your day-to-day life. To feel your transits come through you and observe them happen to you, take note and just keep on living life taking little pivots from the insights you are shown. Embodiment of any spiritual tool is a lifelong journey, so what’s one year compared to that aha! In your natal chart, you have 12 houses - aka 12 different areas of life. Now there are 12 months in a year. Are we making connections? The 12 houses are the 12 seasons of the year. At least in my opinion. But they are uniquely expressed for each person depending on their time of birth for the order of the houses and then depending on if you have an empty house of planets living in a house, the energy will also feel different.

So this program is created to guide you through your unique 12 seasons and be there as a guide for you to observe how life flows for you with Solar energy and how during different times of the year you have a different focus. We are not meant to do all the things all the time. This program truly validates that.

Now this program means a lot to me because I live this out every month and use it to plan everything, give myself time and space to complete things and truly to not be hard on myself because we are allowed to ebb and flow and not be ON all the time. We need space for the YIN and YANG always. To be an ethical teacher I can only teach what I do and this is something I do and that works! This program is also special to me because I downloaded it during the season of my North Node so I feel very much in alignment with my soul purpose in this lifetime offering this out to you to help you make more sense of your unique ebb and flow.



🌙 are you ready to…

feel more in flow and connected to the seasons around you

🌙 are you feeling…

stuck in your current routine and disconnected from your body / self

🌙 do you crave more…

practical intuitive practices and a community connection to like-minded women

🌙 together, we will create and hold space to learn about the moon and practice different embodiment techniques to feel more connected to yourself 🌙

I'm excited that you're here and your soul is ready to learn more about finding your unique flow with the moon. Flowing with the moon is very important to me. I'm very passionate about it because it has personally helped me so much in my life.

If you know a tiny bit about astrology and the natal chart, because I'm a Cancer Rising, I am ruled by the moon. So when I started to flow with not only the phases but to understand that the moon will go through all twelve zodiacs in that cycle every month. When I started to do that, I thought this made so much sense of my moodiness. I'm a very moody person. I just think I'm very sensitive to the energy of the environment that I'm in, and then I project it back out.

When I discovered in 2019 that I was more than a Gemini and I had a Pisces Moon and a Cancer Rising, the sensitivity, the quietness, the introverted-ness, the emotions and all kinds of moods. It clicked. It made sense. I had an aha moment! When I went further with that “aha moment” a few years later, I started tracking how I felt every time the moon changed signs.

Now I just have my flow memorized in my head. I use that to assist me in navigating everyday life and emotions that I may feel because I've learned to accept that I feel a lot. That's just the beginning there - now you might ask why we do this. Because I have some important reasons, not just about my connection to it. 

So why would I do this? Why would you flow with the moon? 

  • As the moon moves through all twelve zodiac signs every 29 and a half days, we will feel the shifts in the energy. You intuitively know where the moon is right now. You know where the moon is, and you will intuitively be drawn to things based on that zodiac sign, or the house that the moon is going through in your natal chart.

    You'll just naturally act in a way where you're intuitively flowing with it. But when we put a name to everything it can help validate our experience to the ultimate goal of trusting ourselves more. You're trusting your intuition, you're trusting those shifts in signals and energetic things you're feeling inside your body. You just put the name to it by using the language of astrology.

  • I think that helps strengthen your relationship with yourself and your intuition to the point where you maybe don't need to do it all the time or use that as a validation. But just saying, that I'm trusting my intuition. I'm flowing with the cosmic energy because I am one with it! 

  • It brings in a deeper conscious awareness level. If you are experiencing lots of shifts and you are getting lots of intuition hits. I call them mood shifts, anything like that. But if you aren't listening to them. Knowing when the moon has moved is very helpful.

  • You can start trusting yourself more. Trusting those little shifts you feel in energy. The moon connects us to our day-to-day lives. Learning how to work with this energy practically can be helpful. That's my goal with all of my work, how can I take this information and make it practical?

  • Tracking with the moon can help align you with your attuned cycles in your life. As women, we have our menstrual cycle. I feel like it's always important to know what day you're on. We can kind of relate that to the moon cycle. Then you can also connect your menstrual cycle to the moon cycle.

    See which sort of flow you're experiencing. I'm very big in cycles and just living seasonally and cyclically. It's the same as having four seasons and thinking how are we going to work with those seasons? You can eat seasonal foods. You can hibernate more in the winter. We can be more extroverted and social in the spring and summer. We automatically, as humans, when there are shifts, attune to them. So we feel more in flow - feeling more comfortable by adapting to our surroundings and environment.

    It's the same thing with the moon. The moon runs with our emotional body. It shifts our focus every two and a half days. I think it's cool because, in our natal chart, we have the twelve areas of life. Every month, your emotional body checks in with all twelve areas of life for the two-and-a-half-day period. I feel like, again, I'll just say as women, we're always sort of all over the place, wanting to make sure everything is okay.

    It's kind of mindful when we're almost trusting in and letting go, surrendering to what sign and house the moon is flowing through. I'm going to focus on this for two and a half days and then make sure that's okay. Then there's a natural cycle flow - it will run through everything naturally.

  • Yourself and your body

    Work, income, values

    Friends, community, networking, communication

    Home and family

    Inner child and creative self

    Health, habits and routines

    Closest partnerships

    Deeper self, deeper emotions you've maybe buried

    Learning and education

    Career and long-term goals 

    The vision that you have or the collective organizations you want to belong to

    Resting period - Am I taking care of my mental health? Am I giving myself time to rest?

  • Instead of letting external forces in the world kind of get at us and tell us what we need, it's like, no, excuse me, I know what I need. I'm going to listen to myself. The title of my book and podcast is, “Don't Tell Me What To Do”. It runs very strong in me with my astrology and who I am as a person. I don't like being told what to do. Instead of someone telling me what it's going to be like, it's like, no, I have to feel it for myself. I want to do it my way.

    I'm listening to my intuition and cycles. I'm going to do sort of what I want to do and what my body's telling me to do, what my intuitive self, what my soul is calling me to do.

    We're shifting to an internal focus because I feel like we just hold so much wisdom in ourselves and we just don't know how to apply it or we don't know it's there. For whatever reasons of conditioning of society or whatever, we just don't tap into it. We have to be open to hearing it and all the different signals and ways that it wants to come through, like the messages that it wants to come through.

learn a system rooted in creating conscious community and developing your intuition by using the practical embodiment of astrology and the moon

What’s Included:

  • Membership Portal with all of the details and resources for each moon day and how to get started (think guided meditations, yoga flows, EFT tapping videos, dance party playlists, journal prompts and more!)

  • Digital calendar with all the the 2024 planetary transits, details and reminders to let you know when the moon has changed (you can turn on your calendar notifications to get these reminders directly to your phone)