May 2021 Horoscopes


May Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy May! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer and Meditation Teacher! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now, let’s get into some of the big events happening in May before reading your Horoscope.

Taurus season is here! Spring is a go this month in full force. With its earth energy, you might be feeling the need to organize, clean and make things look beautiful in your home or maybe your wardrobe. Taurus knows how to indulge as they are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Take a self-care day, chill at home. You’ll have no problem relaxing this month and just enjoying where you are at. Taurus wants you to chill. Its stable, practical earth energy can help you turn your ideas into a real plan before social Gemini season comes up near the end of the month! 


May 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini 

The planet of communication moves into fast-thinking, chatty and ever-changing Gemini! Mercury can be at home here because it rules Gemini but watch out for over-thinking and scattered thoughts. Gemini might be smart and fast as a whip but they can get distracted and overwhelmed easily. So watch what you are using your mental energy towards over the next few weeks. Also, watch out because Mercury will be in Gemini longer than the average 3 weeks because we are going retrograde at the end of the month. I repeat we are going retrograde at the end of the month. Plan and prepare accordingly. 

May 8th - Venus enters Gemini 

The planet of love, beauty and abundance moves into fun-loving, fast-moving, witty and chatty Gemini. Mental stimulation, learning something new, connecting with your friends, family or anything local will intrigue you right now. 

May 11th - New Moon in Taurus 

This moon is the time to set new goals and intentions around making money and self-worth. These two things might feel separate but they are very linked as strong self-esteem can help you see how much you deserve. During the next few days, as you feel this dark moon energy, take an inventory of both your inner and outer worth. Since Taurus is a very grounded, stable sign make a plan too, or maybe a budget. Always remember that you are naturally abundant and worthy! 

May 13th - Jupiter enters Pisces 

The Planet of expansion is now in Pisces. Jupiter will stay in Pisces for about 3 months and will retrograde back into Aquarius. However, the next 3 months will give us a little taste of what next year might be like when Jupiter moves back into Pisces. Anyway, here’s what it means: dream your heart out and expand through spirituality and mysticism. It’s the perfect time to tap into the woo in your life! 

May 20th - Sun enters Gemini 

Not going to lie, this is my favourite season. I’m biased because I’m a Gemini, but we are in the transition period between Spring and Summer and it is my favourite time of the year weather-wise because it’s not too hot! Also, it’s usually a very social time of year, so my Gemini sun loves that. Advice from this Gemini for the next 30 days: call your friend, plan a fun day, call your mom, call your sibling, finish a book you put down, learn something new, try something new, speak up about something important to you and maybe meditate if you find your mind racing a mile a minute. I know that’s a lot to do but I trust that this Gemini energy will help support you in your endeavours. 

May 23rd - Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

The planet of responsibility takes a standstill. For us, this means we need to stop and reflect on the ways we take responsibility in our lives. 

May 26th - Full Moon and LUNAR eclipse in Sagittarius 

During this Full Moon, we start the Eclipse season which just emphasizes and strengthens the Moon’s energy. The Sagittarius energy for this moon will want you to celebrate your love, learning, community and friendships you are creating. Notice over the last year if you’ve refined any of those areas of your life. Celebrate your growth but still check to see if there are more ways in which you can expand. Hint: there always is, and Sagittarius is forever on the quest of higher learning, so evoke a sense of lightness during your journey! 

May 29th - Mercury Retrograde in Gemini 

Here we go again!! And on my birthday no less. The planet of communication is halting so that we can reflect and go inward. This is the time to watch communication and messaging, as wires might get crossed. 


I recommend reading your Sun Sign Zodiac Horoscope as you normally would and then read your Rising Sign Horoscope. Sometimes your Rising Sign is more accurate because it represents where your natal chart starts and how the planets are moving through it. For example, I am a Gemini with a Cancer Rising. When I was reading my horoscope last month for Gemini it said something about planets moving through my Capricorn 8th house. However, if you look at my chart Capricorn starts off my 7th house because I am a Cancer Rising. So, the planets were affecting the 7th house not 8th house as the horoscope said. Hopefully, that makes sense and I’ve encouraged you to read your Rising Sign. If you don’t know what your Rising Sign is, it is determined by the exact moment of your birth and is the starting point aka ASC of your natal chart. It represents your souls, what you are rising into in this life and how you may be perceived by others (your appearance.) 


Aries, this month your Values, Desires & Goal Setting are at the top of your list because your 2nd house of money is lit up! Wow! Did your season ever go by quickly! Now it’s time for you to focus on your desires and goals for the next, let’s say, 4 months and plan what you want. Ground into the Taurus energy to stabilize your naturally frenetic energy. It will help to propel you forward with whatever you’re cooking up next for Summer.


Taurus, it’s your season! This month is all about Identity, Authenticity and Leadership. Enjoy your season while it’s here! Be sure to tap into all five senses to fully experience this time, and celebrate where you are at this moment. Reflect on the last year and chart your growth. How have you changed since your last birthday?


Gemini, this month will be all about Spirituality and Higher Purpose. Want to learn more about astrology, numerology or tarot? Now is the perfect time to tap into your natural curiosity and find the one spiritual tool that will help you dive deeper into your higher purpose.


Cancer, this month will be all about Friendship & Community Outreach in your 11th house of groups and organizations! How can you connect with others, even virtually? Perhaps get involved with a community project in a unique way? This might not feel very natural for you but who knows who you’ll end up connecting with! Might be worth getting out of your sanctuary aka house to connect safely!


Leo, this month is a time to explore your Career and Higher Calling! Have you been applying for jobs or thinking about starting your own venture? Your career will take the spotlight this month. Are you happy at your current job or do you think it’s time for a change? Make sure what you’re doing is also serving your purpose in this life and you feel fulfilled.


Virgo, this month we have an Education, Exploration and Self-Discovery focus for you. If you have some extra time this month, explore an area that is of interest to you. Maybe an online course (free if you can find one) that sparks an idea or something that helps you seek out self-discovery. The Taurus energy this month will help you hunker down and focus your attention to exploring something new!


Libra, this month you will focus on Business, Finance and your shadow work. Potentially not something you really want to do, dear Libra, but, balance is key right? Making sure you filed your taxes last month and paid your owing balance on time, or doing that shadow work and seeking out help in areas of your life you would rather avoid looking at, may benefit you greatly down the road.


Scorpio, this month will be all about your Relationships and 1-1 Work. It’s time to get deep and have those conversations you may have been avoiding. Maybe you need to cut ties with someone or develop your relationship with someone special further. This month will illuminate which relationships need attention and there’s no hiding from it!


Sagittarius, this month is all about your Health, Work and Daily Routines. What? A daily routine you say? Make it unique to your changeable energy to go with the flow of what you want to do, but try to stick with one thing this month that is good for your mind, body and spirit!


Capricorn, this month Fun and Creativity are a focus for you. This could feel like the opposite for you as you’re usually all about work. However, you can’t forget to have fun every once and a while. On your to-do list today is to take at least an hour to do something you loved to do as a kid!!


Aquarius, this month your area of focus is Home, Family and Long Term Security. Check-in with your long-term vision this month, Aquarius. Where do you see your life 10 years from now? What little change can you make today to get yourself there?


Pisces, this month Social Networking is at the top of your list. Aries season flew by and hopefully, this earthy Taurus energy will help you feel grounded and nourished enough to spend time, and get social, with those you love dearly!

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscopes! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal (birth) chart reading, astrology mentorship or want to learn more about astrology as a whole, reach out. I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology (1:1 and live online courses), it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! If you want to work together and mention you read this post, you’ll get 20% off any of my services! 

Lots of Love,
