April 2021 Horoscopes


April Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy April 1st! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer and Meditation Teacher! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now let’s get into some of the big events happening in April before reading your Horoscope! 

This month will be a great time to take action on what you want. The Aries energy will not take “no” for an answer and you’ll have a burst of Spring energy to literally spring or propel you forward towards what you want! So, why is this month a great time to do so? Because, my friend, no planets, I mean ZERO planets are in retrograde!! We’ve done a lot of reflecting (what you are supposed to do when a planet goes retrograde) over the last year. The next step after reflection is to take action after learning something new in the reflection, maybe a new way of taking action! What will you be taking action towards this month?  


April 3rd - Mercury Enters Aries 

The Planet of Communication enters fiery Aries. Speak up! Take action! It’s the perfect complement to the fresh Spring air outside. Aries is a cardinal sign, meaning it is the beginning of a season and it wants you to start something too! Aries moves so fast and can be impulsive. It just knows things and comes up with so many ideas. This energy can have you feeling innovative and inspired. Start building and pioneering new things! 

April 11th - New Moon in Aries 

It’s time to set intentions! Aries is the perfect time to set an intention around yourself and how you lead. It’s a time to believe in yourself and feel confident to speak up for what you want. It’s even a great time to plant the seeds of intention for an entrepreneurial endeavour or have an important conversation. Ask yourself this, how do I lead in the world and what am I ready to start leading? 

April 14th - Venus enters Taurus 

The planet of love and beauty enters slow and sensual Taurus. Venus rules Taurus so it feels at home here. Slow down and enjoy what’s around you. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the meditation, enjoy the food, enjoy the rest, go slow and cuddle up. 

April 19th - Sun enters Taurus 

Taurus season is here! Spring is a go this month in full force. With its earth energy, you might be feeling the need to organize, clean and make things look beautiful in your home or maybe your wardrobe. Taurus knows how to indulge as they are ruled by the planet of love and beauty. Take a self-care day, chill at home. You’ll have no problem relaxing this month and just enjoying where you are at. 

April 19th - Mercury enters Taurus 

The Planet of Communication enters slow and steady Taurus. Your communication and mindset may change to be a little slower. It’s a different pace from Aries season. Taurus wants you to chill. Its stable, practical earth energy can help you turn your ideas into a real plan. 

April 23rd - Mars enters Cancer 

The planet of action and energy enters the cardinal zodiac sign of Cancer. This is not the most active placement for the action-oriented planet Mars. The influence of Cancer might make you want to slow down and retreat. It may also influence you to take action based on your mood or emotional body. Be careful not to make too many big decisions based on a mood swing.

April 26th - Full Moon in Scorpio 

This full moon will represent the celebration of stability you are creating in your life. Take stock of the last year to celebrate the growth and the inner transformation you have experienced and endured. Scorpio wants you to go deep, transform, regenerate and let go of what no longer serves you so you can celebrate all that you have! 

April 27th - Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 

Pluto stops moving forward; it doesn’t move too fast anyways but Pluto is taking a break. Some people might say it is going backwards but it just looks like it from Earth because we don’t stop moving. Our year is still 365 days in 2021. Whenever something in astrology retrogrades (all planets do) it’s a time to slow down and reflect on the energy that the planet represents. So what does Pluto represent? It represents the collective transformation and how we can make a change. Now is a time to reflect on what is needed for a renewal! 


I recommend reading your Sun Sign Zodiac Horoscope as you normally would and then read your Rising Sign Horoscope. Sometimes your Rising Sign is more accurate because it represents where your natal chart starts and how the planets are moving through it. For example, I am a Gemini with a Cancer Rising. When I was reading my horoscope last month for Gemini it said something about planets moving through my Capricorn 8th house. However, if you look at my chart Capricorn starts off my 7th house because I am a Cancer Rising. So, the planets were affecting the 7th house not 8th house as the horoscope said. Hopefully, that makes sense and I’ve encouraged you to read your Rising Sign. If you don’t know what your Rising Sign is, it is determined by the exact moment of your birth and is the starting point aka ASC of your natal chart. It represents your souls, what you are rising into in this life and how you may be perceived by others (your appearance.) 


Aries, it’s your season! Identity, Authenticity & Leadership in the 1st house of self are a top priority for you! Taking action on becoming your best self or being active will really appeal to you this month. You will feel a call to focus on your role as a leader especially during the New Moon on the 11th!


Taurus, this month is all about Spirituality & Higher Purpose for you as the 12th house of mysticism is activated. Meditate, meditate, meditate. It will help bring you the answers you are searching for. That is all I’m going to say.


Gemini, this month will be all about Friendship & Community Outreach in your 11th house of groups and organizations! How can you connect with others? Get involved in a community project? This will feel very natural to you so get out into the world safely and connect with others!


Cancer, this month will feel a strong pull towards your Career & Higher Calling as Aries emphasizes your 10th house of career and public image. A new career opportunity may present itself to you. Maybe it’s a promotion or a new job! It could also present itself in an entrepreneurial venture as a new client or project!


Leo, this month is a time to explore education and self-discovery! Your 9th house of higher learning has the spotlight this month! If there is something you have always wanted to learn now is time. Enroll in a course or investigate the different programs available to you! It does not have to be traditional learning. Find a unique way to learn something and learn something new about yourself!


Virgo, this month we have a Business, Finance & Shadow Work focus for you. Take stock of your finances, maybe file your taxes if you haven’t already. There could also be a change in your work. You’ll have to evaluate if you are doing what you truly want to do.


Libra, this month you will focus on your Relationships & 1-on-1 Work because Aries is lighting up your 7th house of partnerships. This will feel natural to you as you are the sign that rules relationships! Check-in on your partners, family, friends and co-workers to see how they are doing. It will feel comfortable to connect with others this month but listen just with your ears to see if the relationships in your life are working for you!


Scorpio, this month will be all about your Health, Work & Daily Routines. Now is the time to take a look at your health. Are you getting enough exercise? Is the boost of Spring energy going to motivate you to move more? Maybe walks outside are a good place to start. Also, checking-in on your daily habits like sleeping and eating and making sure they are in alignment with your current goals the Aries energy is pushing you towards.


Sagittarius, this month is all about your using your Fun & Creativity! Aries energy is going to encourage you to tap into your creative ideas this month and tap into your creativity aka your inner child. Do all the things you love and do them with those you love as well!


Capricorn, this month Home, Family & Long-term Security are a focus for you. This could feel like the opposite for you as you’re usually all about work, business and getting things done. However, you can’t forget to take care of your home responsibilities. Check-in on what needs tending to and talk to your family!


Aquarius, this month you may feel the need for Social Networking because all of this Aries energy is charing up your 3rd house of communication! Tap into your inner humanitarian and think of a way to network and communicate for a good cause and share some of your ideas!


Pisces, this month Values, Desires & Goal Setting are at the top of your list because your 2nd house of money is lit up! This might not be your favourite time of year. We just finished your season, Pisces. Hope you’re doing okay! You might have to come back into reality and get a little practical for a few weeks but still, think about what you desire and dream about it! But don’t forget about filing your taxes. Find that balance between the practical and the mystical that you love so much! 

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscopes! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal (birth) chart reading, astrology mentorship or want to learn more about astrology as a whole reach out. I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology (1:1 and online courses), it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! If you want to work together and you mention you read this post you’ll get 20% off any of my services! 

Lots of Love, 
