November 2021 Horoscopes


November Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy November! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now let’s get into some of the big events happening in November before reading your Horoscope! 


  • November 4th New Moon in Scorpio

  • November 5th Venus enters Capricorn

  • November 5th Mercury enters Scorpio

  • November 19th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

  • November 21st Sun enters Sagittarius

  • November 24th Mercury enters Sagittarius


I write these monthly horoscopes based on Rising Sign (Ascendant or AC). If you do not know your Rising/Ascendant Sign please read for your Sun Sign instead. You can find your AC on your natal chart. I recommend using to get your chart. 


Aries, this month is all Business for you! Allow yourself to dive deeper into topics and explore what really matters to you. Tapping into your ruling planet Mars and channelling your energy into a new idea or project and really focusing on it will be the best way to make the most of this Scorpio Season energy!


Taurus, this month is about relationships and partnerships. Checking in on how all your 1:1’s are going; work, love friends and so on. Every year during Scorpio season when your 7th house is activated it can be a great time for clearing what no longer serves and setting appropriate boundaries where needed.


Gemini, this month your area of focus is health, work, and daily routines. Do you feel the call to move your body more, wake up earlier or redefine what you do at work? That’s your 6th house calling you to look at your habits this Scorpio season. You must make sure you are taking care of yourself properly before Sagittarius comes and you feel called to look at your 1:1’s. Fill your cup first. 


Cancer, this month fun and creativity will occupy your mind. Scorpio season is your time to come out of your shell, crab, even if it’s just for a day or two. Self-expression may feel at its highest and you’ll feel the need to release it all in creative projects, in your work or even just by going out with friends or on more dates. The 5th house is called the fun house, so have fun expressing yourself this Scorpio season and have fun with others.


Leo, this month you may feel more introverted and want to focus on your home and family. It’s almost like a time for hibernation and rest before your creative season comes during Sagittarius season. But, for Scorpio season cleaning, rearranging, or redecorating your space and making it feel the homiest as possible is the best thing for you to do. Moving also can come up as a 4th house theme if you are not happy with your current living situation. Also, ride the waves of nostalgia this month, the 4th house tends to bring up the past and our childhoods as well.


Virgo, this month is all social networking and connecting with anything local to you. Get involved with something in your neighbourhood or community. You may be feeling a little more extroverted this month thanks to the 3rd house energy influencing your chart.


Libra, this month will be all about values, desires, and goal setting because you just had your season, Scorpio season asks you to get serious about what you want. And yes, I’ve seen the memes about Libra’s being indecisive, but I believe deep down you know what you want, you must not worry about the balance and just do it for you. Write down what you want, visualize it, or make a vision board, just make sure you get clear on what you are manifesting for the year ahead!


Scorpio, this month will be all about identity because it is your season after all! Spooky season or the season of the witch or whatever else you want to call it is here and you probably couldn’t be happier about it. Since your 1st house is being activated right now all I have to say for your horoscope this month is just be you and trust your intuitive nature. Just be aware of the fixed energy right now astrologically. There is some energy that is opposing and squaring you this month so if you feel frustrated make sure you have a healthy outlet for it.


Sagittarius, this month is centred around spirituality and higher purpose. Scorpio season is a quiet, reflective period before your season comes up at the end of the month. Journaling, meditating, or asking your dreams for answers may help you this month as go into an introverted, alternative, universe to reflect on the last year.


Capricorn, this month we have a community and friendship focus so you’ll be feeling more social and ready to connect. Is there anything you can do to help your community or get involved with a cause you care about? This month your mind may be more on helping humanity than business but maybe there is a way for you to combine both.


Aquarius, this month you will focus on your career and higher calling. This can manifest in reflecting on how you’re making an impact in your current role, wanting to move forward and look for a new opportunity or maybe even venture out on your own. Whatever you do use the Scorpio season energy to tap into your intuition on making any decisions around your career.


Pisces, this month will be all about education, exploration, and self-discovery so if there is a topic of interest to you right now, enroll in a course or start your own research. You can also think about real-life learning experiences that aren’t from a book, the internet, or an online course. Sometimes exploring a new place gives you the new perspective you’ve been looking for.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscopes! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal chart reading or my new astrology school please reach out, I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology, it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! See you next month!

Lots of Love, 

horoscopesLisa-Marie Kiss