October 2021 Horoscopes


October Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy October! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now let’s get into some of the astrological events happening in October before reading your Horoscope! 


October 6th New Moon in Libra: Set goals around your relationships and communication. How can you find balance?

October 6th Pluto Direct in Capricorn: Clarity moves in for the collective.

October 7th Venus enters Sagittarius: A time of joy and optimism with love! Go on adventures, do what you love and have fun!

October 10th Saturn Direct in Aquarius: A time to start moving forward after months of reflecting.

October 18th Mercury Direct in Libra: Still, watch for the 2-week shadow period but relationships should feel like they are moving forward again.

October 18th Jupiter Direct in Aquarius: What expands you in life or brings you joy? How can you help to create change?

October 20th Full Moon in Aries: Look for room to grow and celebrate the relationship you've cultivated with yourself over the last 6 months.

October 23rd Sun enters Scorpio: This energy has no patience for the superficial. It's an all-or-nothing sign committed to digging deep in order to reveal what hides beneath the surface. It’s said the nothing can scare a Scorpio. I wonder if they have any fears? If you’re a Scorpio go and check out this blog about fears to see if anything can get you! It is written by a Taurus I know so you should like it! 

October 30th Mars enters Scorpio: An instinct for the energy of others and what's unseen, like hidden desires. Seek to settle into something satisfying and see it to its organic end.


I write these monthly horoscopes based on Rising Sign (Ascendant or AC). If you do not know your Rising/Ascendant Sign please read for your Sun Sign instead. You can find your AC on your natal chart. I recommend using astro.com to get your chart. 


Aries, this month is about relationships and partnerships. Take a moment to reflect on any 1:1’s you have in your life. Mercury will also be going retrograde in this area for you as well. So, taking your time is key and remembering to slow down if you can!


Taurus, this month your area of focus is health and daily routines. Have a routine? Great! Stick with it if it’s working. If it’s not make some adjustments to make sure you are taking care of yourself first before going out and helping others! If you don’t have a routine at all, especially a morning routine, the cosmos is calling for your ground into one! 


Gemini, this month fun and creativity will occupy your mind. When was the last time you did something creative? Tapping into your creativity, especially around the communicative arts is key. Writing, presenting, speaking, podcasting etc. might be on your mind. Let your creativity take you places this month.


Cancer, this month home and family is a top priority. You may not feel like leaving your house and want some more alone time. That is okay. Take some time for yourself and your home. Maybe you want to redecorate or deep clean everything you own and declutter. Maybe it’s about moving where you call home altogether. No matter what it is, focus on your immediate surroundings and call your mom, or brother or grandma!


Leo, this month is all about being social and connected. This season is a fun and social time for you. More than usual you’ll want to be talking to everyone, meeting new people and staying locally connected to your innermost circle. With Mercury retrograde going through your communication zone just be careful about what you text or post online. 


Virgo, this month will be all about values, desires and goal setting. We just had your season so now is the time to take action creating a plan on some things you’d like to accomplish. They might be work and money-focused but don’t forget to forget about your big dream overall. Then you can work backwards and focus on those details you love. They will make your dream a reality.


Libra, this month will be all about identity because it is your season after all! Making sure balance is there for you and checking in with yourself before checking in on everyone else around you. Even though that is your natural impulse don’t forget about YOU! Mercury and Mars will also be right in your first house of identity. So, you might have some communication or tech issues from that darn Mercury Retrograde but also a push of momentum from Mars to go after what you want! Even if you think you can’t decide, deep down you know what you want.


Scorpio, this month is centred around spirituality and higher purpose. This month is an introverted time of reflection before we head into your season soon. Go inward, meditate, get really into spooky season, attend a moon circle or whatever else you need to do to be fully prepared to enter your season! 


Sagittarius, this month we have a community and friendship focus. You’ll most likely be feeling more social and be looking for ways to get involved or re-involved in some community groups and activities that are important to you. Also, checking in with all your friends and going on adventures will surely be a priority.


Capricorn, this month you will focus on your career and what a perfect thing for you. Take a look at your job or business and find new opportunities. This is a great season to grow and make more money. Also, if you aren’t too happy with your current career structure maybe it’s the perfect time to polish up the resume and apply for that dream job or start that dream business.


Aquarius, this month will be all about education and self-discovery. What places will your mind take you this month? Take a course this season, ask questions, get curious, connect the higher picture and find your truth. The energy this month is really in harmony with the way you naturally are so flow with it and learn, learn, learn (so you can start to create the change!)


Pisces, this month is all about business and finance. This might feel like a darker month for you having to face any shadows around business or finances. You love your dream world and I know it’s more fun there than it is here on earth. However, this is the month that is going to call you to look at more reality-based things. Don’t worry though next month’s theme will be different but face what you need to this month so it doesn’t drag on for the rest of the year.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscopes! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal chart reading or my new astrology school please reach out, I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology, it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! See you next month!

Lots of Love, 

horoscopesLisa-Marie Kiss