Weekly Astrology Forecast | Jan 15th - 21st 2024

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Welcome back to the podcast. This is your weekly astrology forecast for January 15th to 21st. So we're going to get right into this so it can be a quick, digestible forecast for you to work with this week. We start with moon in Pisces, and then it goes into Aries and then Taurus and then Gemini. So whenever the moon is in Pisces, we'll have a little bit of action there with Neptune in Pisces, which really can just activate our dreams at night.


Or we can feel just a little foggy for that period where the moon is conjuncting Neptune. Then when the moon moves into Aries, the moon is going to hit Chiron and the north node, which can feel just a little aggravated there with moon and Aries, that more fast paced energy impatience, maybe anger with Chiron north node, it can be like wounds that are being hit. And then when the moon is in Taurus it conjuncts with Jupiter and Uranus. So moon and Taurus days are, I think, right now because of the current energy, a little more fun, yet still grounded and earthy. Right, with Taurus.


And then when the moon moves into Gemini, it'll square with Saturn. So it'll feel a bit "ugh" like before right when it goes in there, because Saturn's at four degrees right now. So that's just a little bit on how the moon will flow and how it's going to hit some of the other just astro transits that are happening, that are our outer planets. So they're slowly making their way through signs. So every moon cycle, the moon is going to hit these guys, and then we'll experience the things that are happening a little bit more emotionally.


So that's with the moon. We did that in 2 minutes. Wow. Then we look at some other things that are happening. So the 16th to the 19th, the Sun in Capricorn is going to be conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn.


Now, this will be, like, exact on the 19th, but we're going to feel it a little bit before with, like, I use the three degree window, like, approaching and then two degree separating with transits, and then. So that will be very, whenever Pluto is involved, just like very heavy, very heavy stuff. I mean, we're ending this Pluto in Capricorn cycle in 2024. So I feel like with the sun in Pluto conjunct, it's very much like a closing of the karmic cycle of the Pluto in Capricorn energy. And whenever the Sun is in at 29 degrees, because that'll be the conjunction is at 29.


Whenever the sun is at 29 degrees. I always just feel this icky feeling and I'm just like, I feel like doing absolutely nothing because the energy almost feels, like, stale because we've been experiencing it for it's at that last degree. I personally, that's how I interpret it. Or you might feel like you're rushing to get things done. You might feel like certain things are incomplete or like, oh, feeling hard on yourself.


You didn't get things done. That could be very Capricorn. But I would just say when it's the 29th degree of any energy, especially the sun, like where we're tracking the sun seasons, it's not a good time to do anything new or start anything new. You can almost reflect on the last 30 days and look at Capricorn season and do a little reflection on it and take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself. But we might just be feeling that intensity from Pluto.


But, whoops, I hit the microphone. But, yeah, the 29th degree, I always say this, and I feel like it's so anti societal conditioning when the moon's in certain houses for you and the moon's in certain signs, and then I'm like, on the 29th degree, don't go to work on those days. And I say that, and that's the most impractical thing I could ever say. But that's kind of like the energy. It's like I'm just going to stay at home and lounge around and watch tv and chill because the sun's at 29 degrees and I just need to rest before it moves into the new sign.


And then we'll feel that fresh boost of energy. That's normally how I describe it when we're switching sun seasons or zodiac seasons.


Yeah, but it might feel a little bit different this time with Aquarius, which I'm going to get to in a second. But I will say on, because I said the 16th to the 19th, that's that sun, Pluto conjunction, in Capricorn at the last degree. But then on the 17th, in between there, Venus in Sagittarius will start its squaring with Neptune in Pisces. So Venus in Sagittarius will be at 22 degrees, which again, is that three degree window with Neptune in Pisces at 25. And then Venus moves faster than Neptune.


So we'll feel it, the square window will tighten before it fully conjuncts, and we'll just feel kind of a fogginess, a haze, a confusion potentially within relationships or not knowing what you want. But with Venus, it could even be like, you might be confused on how necessarily you want to earn money or things going on with money. Or it could just be like a confusion about, am I doing enough self care? Am I balancing out enough time with things that I love? Different things like that.


But whenever there's a square, it's just like you don't know what to do, like which direction to kind of go in. You're feeling pulled. It's funny, I'm making sounds to describe things, but you can't see me. You can't see my hand motions that I'm doing. So sounds, I guess, are like the next best thing to describe something.


Sometimes it just comes through the way to express the energy. I do like these weird hand motions, but people understand what I mean when they see the hand motion. So hopefully you understand what I mean when I say the sounds. But yeah, the 16th to the 19th, like, the end of Capricorn season might just feel like yuck. But you know what I mean when I say that.


So that's energy. Then on January 20, it is a Saturday. Aquarius season begins. So that's great. Normally, I will say, like zero degrees of a sign, like, boom, it's Aquarius season.


The energy shifts. We feel it. It's like the very beginning of the season. So we'll feel that burst of energy to do something. However, Pluto also enters Aquarius on January 20, which means that that sun Pluto conjunction is still in effect.


However, it's not at 29 degrees Capricorn, it's at zero degrees Aquarius. So I want to say it's definitely going to pack a punch that day that just came through. It'll feel because it's at zero degrees. So it's like a freshness of the energy. It's like the very beginning of something.


But whenever Pluto is involved, you never know what's going to happen because it's like, is it going to feel emotionally heavy? Are you going to feel more intense? Or are you going to be really pushing something or really wanting to control something? Or is there going to be like a power dynamic? Or are you actually just going to be like, oh, I'm so excited to start this transformational change in my life with the Pluto in Aquarius journey that's going to last until 2043.


So it'll come through. Are you worrying about something and trying to control a situation and the negative aspects of Pluto potentially, or are you going to let go and see the transformation? Are you excited about the transformation? Are you actually taking steps towards a certain transformation in your life? Or it's kind of like that.


Are you going to stay stuck? Or are you going to take it a step forward in potentially an unconventional way or a way that people might not like, but it'll help you get unstuck. Okay, I liked how I said that. Okay. But Aquarius season, when Aquarius season starts, it's your time to just kind of be weird.


And it's not even like, be weird.


Sometimes I want to say things, but I don't because I don't want to start.


Not an argument with people, but I don't want to start a debate. I'm a very opinionated person, but I don't necessarily share all my thoughts with people because I don't want conflict, basically. So I kind of hold back. But Aquarius season is definitely the season to share what you might think are out there. Opinions or strong opinions or any theories you have.


Like conspiracy theories about the world. And Aquarius season will bring in that. So many other people could have the same thing, but they're also just scared to say it. And so if someone says it, it can build community that way, which is what Aquarius is all about. Like community with like minded people.


But basically with this starting, it's going to start, I think, society in itself and people need to rebuild systems and structures that are really outdated, but I don't know how we're going to do that. So we have a whole 19 ish year period to figure out collectively what the best thing to do is, and I have no idea how that's going to go, but this is what the pluto kind of starts. But I think the first step would be sharing opinions that you have in a safe way that feels good for you and just letting people know some of your opinions that you've maybe been too scared to share because you don't want to be ostracized like the outcast or like Aquarius would be like in air quotes, I don't say if you're an Aquarius. I mean, you own your differentness or the fact that everyone is weird. But with Aquarius Season, it's like being the odd one out or the weird one.


But if you share your I'm doing quotes here, like your weird opinion about something, somebody might be like, oh, I feel the same way. I feel the same way. And then it's like, oh, it's not weird. We're just like scared. The whole world is scared to actually be different.


And by different, I mean like the whole world is really just scared to be themselves, which is ridiculous.


I'll end this week's forecast saying here's to starting cycles, a new cycle of being comfortable, being yourself and finding people who appreciate you, being yourself around and then finding your people that you appreciate when they're themselves. And just everyone needs to appreciate people being themselves. And almost that thing where it's like you can be friends with somebody or close with someone and you don't have to agree on every single thing and there's no reason to categorize people in different boxes and put them in different boxes. Or you can have a respectful, respectful conversation, not like a debate about something.


Because I think the world like society in general. If we just look at political parties, I'll just say colors in know there's like blue, red, orange and green and purple, and then some different ones that are in Quebec. But there's these different parties. And some people be like, you're a this, you're that. And then they're like an enemy in a sense.


But it's like, why does that have to make you an enemy? Why can't you just be civil with them or be friends with them? But you have different shared opinions. It doesn't have to be like make it or break it kind of thing. I don't know where these little sayings are coming from, but also in terms of politics with Pluto in Aquarius, I think it'll be very much like a dismantling of all these different coloured parties because none of those parties essentially are for the people in a sense, because I think there's shady things going on with everybody who's in politics.


And it's like, why can't there just be no political parties? And just something where, yeah, it's just like actually for people collectively, the people are making the decisions as opposed to, I don't know. Hopefully that makes sense. I don't want to make this too much about Pluto. I actually did a podcast episode called Pluto in Aquarius General Insights by rising sign.


I think I did that a few months ago. You can go listen to that if you want to learn more about my Pluto and Aquarius stuff. And then I did astrology of 2024 episodes that you can also listen to to get info on that. So that is it for this week. I'll see you for the next week's forecast.


And then there's a full moon that's in next week's as well. And then if you are wanting to learn more about astrology, check the show notes for my free moon guide. We love the moon here, my course bundle. And if there's any readings, availability and the info for my live five week course that's happening if you're looking to learn astrology live on Zoom. If not, always the course bundle.


Yeah, so that's everything. Let me know how you're working with the energy this week. You can message me on Instagram or email me and I will see you in next week's forecast.

Lisa-Marie Kiss