Weekly Astrology Forecast | Jan 22nd - 28th 2024
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Welcome back to the podcast. So this week we're doing the astrology forecast for January 22nd to 28th. So jumping right into it. On January 23, Venus enters Capricorn. Then on the 25th, we have our full moon in Leo.
And then on the 27th, Uranus. This is direct in the sign of Taurus. So what does all of this mean? So when Venus enters Capricorn, it's been in Sagittarius for the last four to six weeks. And so when Venus goes into Capricorn, it can add this, even though it is Aquarius season for this week.
So that would have just happened on the 20th if you listen to last week's forecast. So even though it's Aquarius season and that can bring in a lot of different energies, the planet Venus will be in Capricorn. And it adds a lot of structure and routine, or wanting to be a little more disciplined. In a sense, if you have Venus in Capricorn in your natal chart, you'd be going through your Venus return. And sometimes Venus, it's a little hard for it to be in Capricorn because Venus energy wants to just, almost just float and flow and do what it loves and just be extremely feminine.
In an essence, Venus is how we move with our feminine flow of energy. And Capricorn can sometimes want that container to flow in, not necessarily to be really flowy. It's a little more structured. So it's almost like, how can we bring in structure to the things we love or bring structure to Venus can be like money or relationships. It can also just be like self love and self care.
So how can you bring a little bit more structure there? Bringing in maybe more of a plan with certain things, looking forward, goal setting with certain things, even that's if it's creating like a self care plan or evaluating. I feel like Capricorn really likes to take inventory and so, like, evaluate. Are you actually practicing self love and things like that? It can also look to evaluate relationships and take inventory if things are feeling balanced and fair and different things like that.
So that is once Venus enters Capricorn, it'll be there for the four to six weeks. That's how Venus moves. And then for the full moon in Leo on the 25th. I mean, Leo moon days are fun moon days. So I'm pretty excited for the Leo full moon.
I think it's a lighter full moon overall in the essence of Leo energy. But you can listen to the moon moves message for the moon in Leo that will go up on the 25th for more in depth of what this full moon kind of holds, but I think the full moon might be opposing Pluto, depending on the degrees. So might feel like a little intense. But on full moons, there's kind of that. Some people say, like, you release on full moons, some people say you celebrate.
But I just think of Leo energy and just like dancing and celebrating and having like, it's winter in the northern hemisphere and so it's such a blah time. And so I find this day should be sort of that lifts our spirits in some way. Just have fun in that way, as opposed to. It's almost like forgetting that it's winter for a hot minute. And then on the 27th, Uranus is direct in Taurus.
So what this means is the planet's been going backwards for a little bit, it's been retrograde and now it's stationing direct. And so I believe that this is the last planet to go direct. And then in February, we have all planets are direct. So this is where you can actually feel the energy start to pick up the momentum of moving forward with things when there are all planets moving forward, going forward. So you might feel like the energy picks up at the end of January into February and that just things are actually progressing.
So any maybe intentions you set with the new moon in Capricorn or any if you did like, 2024, New Year's resolutions, anything like that, you might actually feel like you have the energy to move forward with them. You feel like the energy, collective energy, momentum is there, but you got to look at where Taurus is in your chart and see where things are moving forward there in that house theme for you. And then Uranus is going to continue to move forward and surprise you in that area of life and ask you to make some changes that might feel uncomfortable, but will help with any feeling stuck in any areas. That's what I find with Uranus. And then normally I start off with the moon, but I did not this week.
I'm going to talk about the moon now. So the week starts with moon in Gemini, goes to cancer, then it's full moon in Leo and then to Virgo. So when the moon's in Gemini and cancer, it's like we're building. We have that full celebration point with full moon in Leo, and then we start to wane down with the moon in Virgo. So the flow of this week, because of Gemini to Virgo, it's very like Gemini days are more like, I'm recording this the day before it goes up in the moons in Gemini.
And I'm just like, okay, first thing I'm going to do today is I'm going to record a podcast. So Gemini can want to tap into the communication, it can want to tap into going on your phone right away, messaging people, seeing what's happening, wanting to be in the know, feeling more social, different things like that, exploring your curiosities, and sometimes that has to do with people or your local surroundings. Moon in cancer days are great for really nurturing yourself in the way that you need to be nurtured. Potentially having a pre full moon emotional release, aka crying and just letting it out, putting yourself in the water, shower bath, if you are able to swim in something, letting yourself cleanse emotionally with the water. Leo days are the fun days, but it's a full moon, so the energy is just heightened.
But I always say moon and Leo days, just follow your lead with your heart, lead with love, follow your heart, do whatever passions that you have be fully expressed in that creative, inner child self. And then when the moon's in Virgo, we're coming down from the full moon. I always say Virgo moon days exist after Leo moon to potentially clean up anything. So if you were just like, letting loose, having fun, Virgo moon comes in, it's like, okay, let's get back to order here and make the list of things that need to do and clean the things that need to be cleaned and all this stuff. So that's sort of the moon flow.
And then I have some other notes here. Okay. I mean, these are very specific things I have. Like, Mars is in Capricorn right now as well, and so is Mercury. And then Venus steps in there.
But Venus would have just stepped in there, right? So Mars and Mercury are going to be squaring. So Mars is squaring Chiron in Aries, and then Mercury is squaring the north node, south node, which is Aries Libra. So whenever there's a just, I always say it's like a pull. You feel like you're being pulled in two different directions.
But the Capricorn versus Aries with the square is very like, which way am I going to start something? Which way am I going to initiate something? And then whenever Chiron's involved, it might feel like the action you take might feel very healing or very uncomfortable. And with mercury in the north node, it's just like a lot of north node stuff is always connected to. Are you on the right track again?
I always associate leadership with the cardinal signs, which Capricorn and Aries are. So again, we're feeling like a little bit of pull there this week, and then you look to see where Capricorn and Aries is in your chart, and it can kind of show you the directions there. And then by the end of the week, the sun will be at, I'm assuming around like eight degrees.
Yeah, eight or nine degrees. And so the sun will be squaring Jupiter. So the sun's in Aquarius right now, and it will be squaring Jupiter in Taurus whenever there's fixed signs involved in a square different than the cardinal, the fixed is like the fixated, potentially the stuck or stubborn or you're being really consistent with something. But it's, again, like, is it a little rebellious or is it more grounding with that Taurus energy? I mean, Jupiter is normally a very expansive planet, so you could be like, are you limiting your view of how you can expand?
There could be that. And then on the 26th, 27th, Mercury and Mars do the conjunction on top of each other in Capricorn, which is a great time to take action on any ideas you have. Right, Mercury being the mind, Mars being action. And then we are officially out of the Mercury retrograde shadow period that ended on January 20. So any idea that does come through, I mean, really pushing forward with that with Mars in Capricorn on the conjunction day, and then all that energy with mercury, I have here written down, it is trining Uranus in Taurus.
So that just means it can feel, I don't know, a little exciting and a little bit of a surprise there. So that is the forecast for January 22 to 28th. Overall, it'll be a higher energy week because of a full moon. We're in a full moon week and, yeah, just a high energy week. And how can you make sure we're leading with our heart with that full moon and then also embracing our weirdness and our uniqueness because it's aquarius season now.
And looking at, okay, which direction do I want to go in? But overall should be it. And then stuff with Uranus. So it's like a week of high energy surprises, all of that. And yeah, we should start to feel the energy pick up even though it is winter with the planets, that we can move forward with things and take action on things that we want.
So if you have any questions, you can always reach out to me via email or what is the other thing? Instagram and links will be in the show notes if you want to learn more about astrology with my course. And then I am going to be doing a live five week astrology course. Info is on my website or my link in bio to check that out. If you want to learn astrology, live this February.
I pick February because it's very much a, it's winter. What do I do? Let's, we're at home, like, let's learn astrology. And, yeah, all the details will be there. And that is all I have.
I will see you in next week's forecast.