Weekly Astrology Forecast | Jan 29th - Feb 4th 2024
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Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. So, for this week's astrology forecast for January 29 to February 4, there's not anything really particular, particularly. I don't, I want to say there's nothing interesting happening because all of the energy in the sky, it's like staying put, if that makes any sense. So, so if you've been listening to these, and I say things like, oh, Mars is entering this and Mercury is entering that, and Venus is entering this, or there's like a full moon or new moon.
So none of that is happening this particular week. So the energy is staying in the same signs the whole week. There's heavy, heavy Earth. I mean, there's a lot of Earth right now. There's a little air, a little bit of water from the Pisces placements, but there's really no fire.
So you might witness that as well. It just feeling, like, either grounded and you feel good in that Earth or, like, heavy responsibility, just like, too much overwhelm. But I'm going to talk about the moon first to get into that. So the moon flow we're going through is moon in Virgo to Libra to Scorpio to Sagittarius. And so when the moon is in Virgo, I think I want to just say on Monday, we're going to have a grand trine of Earth, because we have three planets in Capricorn right now, and we have two in Taurus.
So that moon and Virgo just forms this beautiful grand trine of Earth again, keeping us really grounded and focused on something. And then it moves into Libra, Libra moon, which will conjunct that south node. So on Tuesday or Wednesday, potentially feeling more relationship focused, the topic of boundaries might come up, and then it moves into Scorpio. Near the end of the week, we have the moon in Scorpio will be opposing Jupiter and Uranus. So whenever that happens, it's always just, like I always say, surprises, because Uranus is there.
And then the very end of the week that we're talking about. So, like, February 4, we have the moon in Sag, which will square off with pisces. So again, there's that mutability of being pulled in two different directions. So that is the moon flow. I'm just realizing, like, it's January 29 to February 4, so a new month is starting, but we're still in Aquarius season this whole time.
It's like, oh, yeah, February 1, you can do something with that energy. But it's really, we're still in that aquarian energy, right now. And so some other things that are happening is there are a few different trines happening because of all of that earth I was talking about. So on Monday, January 29, we have Capricorn or Venus in Capricorn trining Jupiter in Taurus, which I think will be really like a very nice energy because Venus is more expansive.
Jupiter is more expansive. It's like the places you look in your chart for things that you love to do, things that bring you joy. So those will just be aspecting really nicely, making us really tap into pleasurable things. And then always looking to see where you have the earth houses. And then we have mercury and Mars, which are in Capricorn.
They will be trining Uranus in Taurus. So our mindset, the way we're taking action, looking at the Capricorn house that you have and how Uranus is maybe popping some or surprising, like popping in new ideas, thinking a little bit outside the box with your mindset or things that you're doing or thinking about, like, changing your thought patterns, that'd be very Uranus, mercury, maybe more impulsive thoughts or ideas as well. And then with Mars taking action, Mars in Capricorn wants to be very methodical. This is the steps that I'm taking. Uranus comes in and is like, well, maybe you got to do something a little different that's just unthought of or a little rebellious to kind of move forward even farther than you are at the pace you're going at.
Or it might push you forward a little bit because Capricorn's like, a steady pace, whereas Uranus is, like, completely nonlinear. And then I do want to circle back to when I said the moon and Scorpio for a few days midweek. This actually is going to create a fixed t square in the sky with the sun and Aquarius, the moon in Scorpio, and then Jupiter in Taurus. So a fixed, fixed energy just means all the planets are in the fixed modality. So there's a stuckness or stubbornness or consistency, depending on how you want to look at it.
You're either going to be really focused, sticking to your routine, being consistent, or you might feel stuck with something, or you might be really digging your heels in, and you're really stubborn about something and you are not changing your mind about it. The t square is a picture, like a red triangle. The bottom is like a longer line. And then the other two lines that get to the point are a little bit shorter. Is that like isosceles?
I don't know. But the t square is the energy bouncing around these three red lines. And it's like, where do I go? Where do I go? And then that's like that stuckness.
So then you always go to the release point, which is the energy within the fixed modality that isn't a part of this triangle, which is Leo, where we just had our full moon. So maybe thinking back to what was going on during that full moon and maybe the release point of that stuckness is there. So it's like, are you putting yourself out there with something? Are you standing up for yourself? Are you leading with your heart?
Are you tapping into your passions? Right? Because Aquarius is community focus. Scorpio is like deep emotions and transformation, and Taurus is our foundational things and our values. So if you're getting stuck there, it's like, okay, wait, am I being creative?
Am I using my passions? Am I standing really tall and proud with heart open, leading heart first? And so my recommendation with that fixed t square, which will be like midweek, like Wednesday, Thursday, looking back to the week prior, what you were celebrating or releasing or what was coming up for you with that full moon in Leo and maybe thinking, okay, I need to revisit that to get unstuck with something. So that's the energy of the week. Nothing too.
This is going to probably be like my shortest forecast so far, but yeah, just a lot of earth. So you have to look where the earth houses are in your chart.
Those are the areas that are being really lit up for you right now. And your earth houses might not be like the earth themes. If you're like an earth rising, you're going to feel maybe really motivated and you're going to have more energy and you're going to want to be more active. If you have earth houses, like earth signs on the air houses. So 3, 7, 11 which is what I have.
So the water risings, you might be more social or connecting with people more, or wanting to be in community more. And then if you have earth where it's technically like the water houses, so 4, 8, 12 which would be our air risings, the earth is really going to just feel potentially more emotional. You might feel more introverted. You need to be internal and reflective and it's just hitting those parts of your chart. And if you have absolutely no idea what that means, I kind of want to link something for you or dm me with questions.
If you're like, okay, how do I know where my earth houses are? Because I said that really quickly. But just check to see where Capricorn Taurus and Virgo are and then drag your finger to the house number in the middle and then that there will give you. And then Google what is the third house? And then you're like, okay, there's a lot of energy happening in those themes, but your approach to those themes is going to be more practical and grounded, systematic, organized, logic brain.
Right. So I feel like lots of earth in winter is kind of nice because it kind of keeps you in a routine or more like you're not bouncing all over the place. And we probably really don't have that energy right now in the northern hemisphere because it's freezing outside or it's just blah. Or there's no sun. Right?
Yeah. At least that's what it is like in Ontario, southern Ontario right now. There's been like no sun and it's very sad.
Yeah, that's everything. Let me know if you have any questions. And I'm still enrolling for the beginner astrology course, so if you're interested in learning more about astrology, click the link in the show notes to learn more and register to keep you. It's five weeks in February, 1 in, it goes from February 8th to March 7. And it's basically something consistent that I wanted to have running for me.
So I have something that I'm showing up to every week, but then also for you, it's the middle of winter and you're like, what do I do with myself? We have that consistency, we have that earth, that accountability. Every week there's an astrology class. So that's just my little why behind why I'm running an astrology class in February because we kind of just need something to get us through the very sometimes sad winter months. So that's everything.
And I'll see you next week for the next forecast.