Moon Moves Message | Full Moon in Leo | Jan 25th 2024
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Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. So today we have our moon moves message for our full moon in Leo on January 25 at 12:54 p.m. Eastern standard time. So it happens midday.
And I always say with full moons at least me personally, being a cancer rising, I really feel moon energy before it's going to happen. And then once that exact degree happens, so like right at 12:54pm, and then we start to come down from it, we'll feel like a little bit less emotionally heightened. That's what I find anyway. I find we really experience it before it actually happens because it's building to really. Okay, so let me get into the details of it.
So the full moon, we have sun in Aquarius at five degrees, and then we have moon in Leo at five degrees. So that's what you want to look for in your chart to see where this is happening. So you look for the axis of Aquarius and Leo. In your natal chart, you find five degrees. You see if you have anything close to five degrees and then that can indicate these are the themes that it's impacting me personally.
And if you have planets near five degrees Aquarius, Leo, you could be like, okay, these things are also getting activated with this full moon. And so what's cool about this full moon? I have the chart, I'm looking at it. Pluto is at zero degrees and the moon is at, I mean, that's a five degree orb. We can say that Pluto is impacting this full moon as well, so it can add a layer of intensity.
I mean, Jupiter is squaring the sun and the moon at six degrees Taurus. So then I'm like, okay, the release point of this T-Square, is scorpio, which is digging a little deeper, diving a little bit deeper, really. Maybe doing some kind of ritual or ceremony which can feel like that Scorpio, occultness, but just doing something not, I guess, typical. And then the coolest thing about the chart that I'm seeing is we have a yod that's pointing to the moon. So having yods like you can have a yod in your natal chart.
Whenever I describe a yod in someone's chart, it means yod is, I believe, Hebrew for finger of God. So it just means it's pointing at something and illuminating significance. So a yod is two planets forming a sextile. So we have Saturn in Pisces, sextiling, Venus in Capricorn. Right?
So sextile we refer to as sexy energy because we have Earth and water totally vibing there. Okay? And then both of those that five degrees Saturn Pisces is inconjunct, which means we have, like, mutable water inconjunct with fixed fire. And then the same thing goes for Venus in Capricorn on the other side there, which is cardinal Earth, and it is in conjunct with fixed it's. And on the chart, it's this green dotted line.
And it basically means these signs have nothing in common. Right? So not the element and not the modality. So there's a little lesson there on aspects, but it's almost like, what are Saturn and Venus communicating about that works. And then it's like pointing to the moon.
So I just think that's very interesting. I'm like, okay, they're pointing to the moon. And it is like, I'm looking at this chart for the full moon and there is this yod pointing there. And then I'm like, okay, what's the ruler of the moon? The ruler of the full moon in Leo is the sun in Aquarius, which is conjunct Pluto.
And then there's this release point in Scorpio. So there is this energy of going a little bit deeper. And normally, I would describe a full moon in Leo as really leading with your heart, standing really proud, speaking what's on your heart, leading with love, doing things that you're really passionate about and having fun. Like, first and foremost, like keeping things light, having fun. But there's a lot of signatures in this chart that's like, you've got to go a little deeper.
Even a question of Leo can be like, do what you loved when you were a kid. Like, inner child vibes. And so whenever I think of Leo energy, I personally think of dancing. But that's something that I did when I was a kid. For, like, 15 years, I danced.
It was my thing. And I find a lot of the time as an adult, I need dance. And I always feel better when I dance. And I go, why did I ever have a period of my life where I stopped dancing? And it doesn't need to be the formal, like in a dance studio, but it's like, why did I stop dancing?
Why am I not dancing every single day if I can, right? And there can be a lot of healing to dancing. So where I'm getting with this is it's almost like the thing that you need to assist in your healing as an adult is probably what you love doing as a kid, whether other people knew about it or where am I trying to go with this? Whether it was something you just did on your own, whether it was like, I'm doing air quotes here, like approved of or not. And that's where that Aquarius can come in.
Like the opposite of Leo. It's like just because what you love to do doesn't need to be approved by anybody else, it's just like, it's something for you. Right. Or you don't necessarily need to share it with other people.
Yeah, hopefully that makes sense. What I'm trying to get at there. The things that you love do not need to be approved by other people. And so if people think you're weird for, let's say, dancing, let them think that you're weird for dancing. Because if you experience that a joy and a healing through it, f whatever anyone else thinks about what it is that you're doing.
So where was I going with that? Sometimes. Oh, yes. And that's the Scorpio release point. That's the Pluto energy that's sort of impacting this full moon.
It's asking yourself, like, why do you love those things? And going a little deeper with it and then being like, when's the last time you did something that you really love to do? Okay, how come you haven't done it in a while? Just ask why and go like that little bit, like a layer deeper. So that's what I'd say the release point is because there's a lot of fixed energy we have, like the t square and the fixed.
So if you're feeling stuck on something overly fixated or obsessed with something, a little stubborn towards something, ask yourself why you're even feeling that way. Go a little bit deeper and just keep asking why until you get to that root, that very bottom of it. And then that is the Scorpio release point. What else do I have here? Oh, I even have here.
I should have maybe said this at the beginning, but we can always do our throwback to the new moon in Leo, which was on August 16, 2023. If you did set intentions at that point in time, thinking, okay, it's been six months, what is happening now? How far have you come? And then celebrating yourself. Also in the summer, we had that Venus retrograde in Leo.
So I feel like this full moon can also illuminate any kind of reflecting you did around Venus themes, which have to do with love, self love, relationships, friendships, money, different things like that. You can say like self care, balance in your life and seeing what changes you've made since then. And then also really looking at the Leo house in your chart. And yeah, I'll give you my example because I love to give examples.
Leo is my second house. So the Venus retrograde went through my second house, which legit is where the second house has Venus themes of finances, work, income, your values, like your core values. So for me, one of my core values within work, because that Leo is my second house of work is if I'm not having fun or if I'm not passionate about what I'm doing, it's like I'm just going to leave. It doesn't matter how much money you pay me, I have to be passionate about what I'm doing. So I had a big realization of it's never about money for me.
It's always about having fun, enjoying myself, and also making sure other people are having fun and enjoying themselves. And energy is this contagious thing.
So I ended up quitting my job and going back to being full time self employed, which is what I've always wanted to go back to doing because I did it when I was really young and then life and then had to have a full time job. And then I moved and I was like, okay, I don't need to have this job anymore. But I didn't do it with a plan. I feel like I could have done it a little bit more planned, but I kind of just like, I don't know, I just quit and I did it and it felt right because I was like, I'm not happy here. I'm not passionate about the work that I'm doing.
And it doesn't matter how much I get paid or whatever, it's just not going to do it for me. Doesn't light me up in any way. And so, yeah, now I am doing this astrology stuff like full time. And I just feel more, what's even the word, like authentic in the fact that I don't necessarily at this point, earn as much money as I did working for someone else. But I love everything that I offer and I have a lot of freedom and flexibility to float with what I offer.
And I feel like I'm impacting people a lot more than what I was doing before in marketing. I feel like by sitting with someone one on one and going over their chart, teaching them astrology, doing an in person kind of gathering, there's an impact a lot more there, tapping into this spiritual part of ourselves and our sole purpose and our spiritual well being. And I feel like it impacts people a lot more than doing a freaking marketing campaign, which I'm good at. And now I'm trying to be my own client and do the marketing for me. But that's just an example of how I experienced that Venus and Leo retrograde the new moon.
I feel like after the new moon in Leo, I think it was like a month later I left. That's interesting. It was with the new moon in Virgo. The new moon and Virgo was like, come on. I executed the plan, I guess.
But think back to August 16, like the end of summer, what was going on in your life, and if you set an intention or didn't. But sometimes I feel like you don't even have to send tensions. Like, look back on a calendar that you have and see what was going on, like who you saw that day or around that day. I believe it was a Wednesday, so it was midweek.
But, yeah, you can think back and just celebrate how far you've come. So I'm celebrating the fact that I work for myself regardless of anything, because there's nothing that makes me happier than working for myself. Because if I need to, I can have a midday dance break. Okay. It's very hard to do that when you have to go to an office.
And seriously, there were so many moments where I would be at my desk working, and I was just kind of bouncing to music. I always had to have music on, music I liked listening from my laptop. No one else knew the vibe that I was in, right? And I'm just, like, bouncing in my seat and I'm just like, oh, my gosh, I want to get up and I want to start dancing. Like, I have a lot of energy that I need to move right now.
But I'm like, it's 01:00pm and I'm in the office and there's people here and I can't do that. I mean, I could, but, yeah. So now I guess I can say six months later, with this full moon in Leo, I can get up and dance whenever I want because my office, it's just me in the room, and there isn't necessarily, like, I don't give myself a set schedule. So, yeah, there's my example. If you're also cancer rising, really reflect on the work that you're doing and if you're passionate and happy about it.
I really can only give examples for the cancer risings because that's my rising sign.
But, yeah. Okay.
I wish you could see this chart. Maybe I can link to this in the show notes. I'm going to figure out how to do that for you. So you can see what I'm looking at. But there's a lot of Earth in the sky still.
Like, there's five planets in know we have a cap, stellium, Capricorn, stellium, and then two planets in Taurus. So, I mean, there is stuff going on that will ground us a little bit. And then the release point is water, even though this is like a fiery, passionate full moon. But yeah, I'd say tap into what you love to do as a kid, even if other people don't understand it. F them, who cares what they think?
I mean, Jupiter is squaring the sun and the moon. So, like, finding things that do feel expansive. And if you're feeling stuck and stubborn in any way, you're digging your heels in and you're saying like, no, I don't want to do that. You have to ask yourself why. And Scorpio Release point wants you to dive a little bit deeper as to what's really going on.
And so does the Pluto there. It wants you to also dig a little deeper. Just ask why. That's what I should name the episode, full moon and Leo. Just ask why about your passions and see if you can uncover something really cool.
Right. I personally love to dive really deep. My Jupiter's in the 8th house. I use my own natal chart to psychoanalyze myself, which I don't necessarily feel like it's fine to do that for yourself and only yourself, but don't do that with the natal chart and other people, only yourself. But my Jupiter in the 8th loves that.
So it's like looking at different behaviors and even tracking your mood on how you feel before and then after you do something you love and then maybe question why and do the research as to why. I could Google dance effects on hormone levels or what is it? Like there's dopamine, serotonin. I don't know exactly what they all do, but I could Google what's released and then, oh, I'm like, okay, maybe that's why. But then I can also connect it to stuff when I was a kid and all this.
And I don't want to keep rambling, but this is your full moon message. And yeah, if you are not on my newsletter or follow me on Instagram, I actually do the mini, they're kind of like mini horoscopes where I tell you what themes are being illuminated based on your rising sign. So, like, I just went through and I did my example, which is always cancer rising. However, if you're not a cancer rising, listening to this, which there's a big chance that you are not, go sign up for my newsletter and the show notes. It'll say get the moon moose freebie.
Then you're on the newsletter. And then on Instagram I post them as well, in a post or a reel. And I actually share for every rising sign, what theme is illuminated with the moon energy. So if you don't know how to find it on your chart, you can always go to the newsletter, sign up and go to Instagram. I think everything is linked below for you to go do that, and that way you know what your theme is, because that's the most important thing is knowing what theme it's happening for you.
But the themes, though, of passion and excitement. So that is all I have. I will see you in the next moon moves message or the weekly forecast. And if you have any questions at all, you can always email me or dm me on Instagram.