Find Your Flow With The Moon

EXPLORE The Membership

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I'm excited that you're here and your soul is ready to learn more about finding your unique flow with the moon. Flowing with the moon is very important to me. I'm very passionate about it because it has personally helped me so much in my life.

If you don't know me, my name is Lisa. I have been studying astrology formally since 2019, but I've been into it since I was little. My grandma was the one who told me I was a Gemini and would read me my horoscope. We have a deeply special relationship. 

If you know a tiny bit about astrology and the natal chart, because I'm a Cancer Rising, I am ruled by the moon. So when I started to flow with not only the phases but to understand that the moon will go through all twelve zodiacs in that cycle every month. When I started to do that, I thought this made so much sense of my moodiness. I'm a very moody person. I just think I'm very sensitive to the energy of the environment that I'm in, and then I project it back out.

When I discovered in 2019 that I was more than a Gemini and I had a Pisces Moon and a Cancer Rising, the sensitivity, the quietness, the introvertedness, the emotions and all kinds of moods. It clicked. It made sense. I had an aha moment! When I went further with that “aha moment” a few years later, I started tracking how I felt every time the moon changed signs.

Now I just have my flow memorized in my head. I use that to assist me in navigating everyday life and emotions that I may feel because I've learned to accept that I feel a lot. That's just the beginning there - now you might ask why we do this. Because I have some important reasons, not just about my connection to it. 

So why would I do this? Why would you flow with the moon? 


As the moon moves through all twelve zodiac signs every 29 and a half days, we will feel the shifts in the energy. You intuitively know where the moon is right now. You know where the moon is, and you will intuitively be drawn to things based on that zodiac sign, or the house that the moon is going through in your natal chart.

You'll just naturally act in a way where you're intuitively flowing with it. But when we put a name to everything it can help validate our experience to the ultimate goal of trusting ourselves more. You're trusting your intuition, you're trusting those shifts in signals and energetic things you're feeling inside your body. You just put the name to it by using the language of astrology.


I think that helps strengthen your relationship with yourself and your intuition to the point where you maybe don't need to do it all the time or use that as a validation. But just saying, that I'm trusting my intuition. I'm flowing with the cosmic energy because I am one with it! 


It brings in a deeper conscious awareness level. If you are experiencing lots of shifts and you are getting lots of intuition hits. I call them mood shifts, anything like that. But if you aren't listening to them. Knowing when the moon has moved is very helpful.


You can start trusting yourself more. Trusting those little shifts you feel in energy. The moon connects us to our day-to-day lives. Learning how to work with this energy practically can be helpful. That's my goal with all of my work, how can I take this information and make it practical?


Tracking with the moon can help align you with your attuned cycles in your life. As women, we have our menstrual cycle. I feel like it's always important to know what day you're on. We can kind of relate that to the moon cycle. Then you can also connect your menstrual cycle to the moon cycle.

See which sort of flow you're experiencing. I'm very big in cycles and just living seasonally and cyclically. It's the same as having four seasons and thinking how are we going to work with those seasons? You can eat seasonal foods. You can hibernate more in the winter. We can be more extroverted and social in the spring and summer. We automatically, as humans, when there are shifts, attune to them. So we feel more in flow - feeling more comfortable by adapting to our surroundings and environment.

It's the same thing with the moon. The moon runs with our emotional body. It shifts our focus every two and a half days. I think it's cool because, in our natal chart, we have the twelve areas of life. Every month, your emotional body checks in with all twelve areas of life for the two-and-a-half-day period. I feel like, again, I'll just say as women, we're always sort of all over the place, wanting to make sure everything is okay.

It's kind of mindful when we're almost trusting in and letting go, surrendering to what sign and house the moon is flowing through. I'm going to focus on this for two and a half days and then make sure that's okay. Then there's a natural cycle flow - it will run through everything naturally.


  1. Yourself and your body

  2. Work, income, values

  3. Friends, community, networking, communication

  4. Home and family

  5. Inner child and creative self

  6. Health, habits and routines

  7. Closest partnerships

  8. Deeper self, deeper emotions you've maybe buried

  9. Learning and education

  10. Career and long-term goals 

  11. The vision that you have or the collective organizations you want to belong to

  12. Resting period - Am I taking care of my mental health? Am I giving myself time to rest?


Instead of letting external forces in the world kind of get at us and tell us what we need, it's like, no, excuse me, I know what I need. I'm going to listen to myself. The title of my book and podcast is, “Don't Tell Me What To Do”. It runs very strong in me with my astrology and who I am as a person. I don't like being told what to do. Instead of someone telling me what it's going to be like, it's like, no, I have to feel it for myself. I want to do it my way.

I'm listening to my intuition and cycles. I'm going to do sort of what I want to do and what my body's telling me to do, what my intuitive self, what my soul is calling me to do.

We're shifting to an internal focus because I feel like we just hold so much wisdom in ourselves and we just don't know how to apply it or we don't know it's there. For whatever reasons of conditioning of society or whatever, we just don't tap into it. We have to be open to hearing it and all the different signals and ways that it wants to come through, like the messages that it wants to come through.


introducing the moon moves membership

a membership rooted in creating conscious community and developing your intuition by using the practical embodiment of astrology and the moon

What’s Included:

  • Weekly Guidance Drop to go over the moon energy for the week and do an intuitive practice with oracle cards and guided meditation - Sunday’s 11am ET

  • 13 or 14 email reminders per month to let you know when the moon has changed signs with access intuitive practices and the moon moves course

  • Membership Hub with all of the details, resources and replays

  • Digital calendar with all the the 2024 planetary transits

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Hey, I’m Lisa:

“I created this membership because in 2019 I started to flow with the daily energy of the moon. This was at a point in my life when things felt icky and not in flow. To my amazement, flowing with the moon just worked and it really helped me to know the themes of the day. My energy is now in flow and I feel more aligned the more and more I flow with the moon cycles. I should mention I am a Cancer Rising so the moon does rule me. Tapping into this way of cyclical living is something I am so passionate about because of my lived experience with it. Whether you have Cancer placements in your natal chart or not, I created this membership to help you feel more in flow! Keep reading to learn more about the membership and I’d love to see you in the next moon circle 🌙”



this is my why for this work - helping women feel more connected to their intuition, power and find their unique flow!


🌙 are you ready to…

feel more in flow and connected to the seasons around you

🌙 are you feeling…

stuck in your current routine and disconnected from your body / self

🌙 do you crave more…

practical intuitive practices and a community connection to like-minded women

🌙 together, we will create and hold space to learn about the moon and practice different embodiment techniques to feel more connected to yourself 🌙

click below to start 2024 with a membership to help you feel more in flow and connected to yourself!


*applicable taxes apply for Canadians

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