March 2021 Horoscopes


March Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy March 1st! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer and Mindfulness Mentor! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now let’s get into some of the big events happening in March before reading your Horoscope!

This month will feel a lot lighter than in past months. Over the past year, Pluto (the farthest and slowest moving planet) had almost all of the outer planets basically sitting on top or beside him causing tension. Now, those planets are slowly starting to move away from him (because they move a little faster) giving him some space to breathe, if you will. This will relieve tension around certain things happening in the world. However, we are in the Aquarian Age so rebellion and being a humanitarian is always possible. We also have no planets in retrograde until the end of April so enjoy this time and accomplish what you most desire!


March 3rd - Mars Enters Gemini

The planet of action and energy enters the mutable zodiac sign of communicating, sharing, talking, writing, friendship, siblings and family. Mars rules Aries (Fire) which sextiles Gemini (Aries) aka this placement will be amazing for you if you have any fire or air in your chart. You’ll get a burst of energy, you’ll want to have fun!! You’ll want to learn, write, share, be in communication with everyone you love, spend time with your family etc.

March 13th - New Moon in Pisces

Today's moon in Pisces helps us set new intentions about our spirituality and further develop our intuition. Do you dream often? How can you tap into your dream state and let your creativity flow and wander? Do you believe you are naturally intuitive? Hint: We all are. You just have to listen closely!

March 15th - Mercury enters Pisces

The Planet of Communication enters spiritual and loving Pisces. Express your spiritual truth. Create what you desire to. Tap into your deepest desires and start to express what you’d like. Pisces is also a natural intuitive and maybe even psychic. Tap into your intuition and creativity and flow with the energy of the little feelings you might receive.

March 20th - Sun enters Aries

It’s the Spring Equinox! It’s the beginning of the Zodiac year! Woo hoo! The fire is here to get you off your butt and get moving. Motivational Aries will not let you sit still. Winter is over and you need to start something! Like, 2 seconds ago, let’s go!! The theme of Aries is “I AM.” They represent leadership and confidence. Being the first sign in the Zodiac they can act as the leader and want to take charge or start something new. What is something new that you’ve been wanting to start? What is something you need to lead? We are all leaders so what is something you are feeling called to charge on?

March 21st - Venus Enters Aries

The planet of love and beauty enters fiery Aries. Make sure whatever you are doing in life you have a passion for it. If it doesn’t light a fire within you, let it go! Make sure you have enthusiasm with all you are doing right now!

March 28th - Full Moon in Libra

Right now in the beautiful Aries season, this Full Moon in the opposite sign Libra represents a full expression of your confidence and leadership! Over the past year evaluate your process as a leader. Can you take more action? Be positive and encouraging in the ways you’ve changed and grown since last Spring. Full Moons are a time of celebrating (look up at all the light in the sky) so, celebrate your growth!


I recommend reading your Sun Sign Zodiac Horoscope as you normally would and then read your Rising Sign Horoscope. Sometimes your Rising Sign is more accurate because it represents where your natal chart starts and how the planets are moving through it. For example, I am a Gemini with a Cancer Rising. When I was reading my horoscope last month for Gemini it said something about planets moving through my Capricorn 8th house. However, if you look at my chart Capricorn starts off my 7th house because I am a Cancer Rising. So, the planets were affecting the 7th house not 8th house as the horoscope said. Hopefully, that makes sense and I’ve encouraged you to read your Rising Sign. If you don’t know what your Rising Sign is, it is determined by the exact moment of your birth and is the starting point aka ASC of your natal chart. It represents your souls, what you are rising into in this life and how you may be perceived by others (your appearance.) 


Aries, at the beginning of this month you will have a chance to rest while we are still in Pisces season. You might enjoy spending some alone time with yourself or learn something new before we enter your season and Springtime on March 20th! At the end of the month take the Full Moon in your opposite sign of Libra to reflect on your leadership and confidence. How have you changed since last Spring? Take a moment to celebrate your growth!


Taurus, this month during the first half while we are in Pisces season make sure to spend time with others as much as you can (safely). Connect with like-minded folks. Make there is room for collaborations on the horizons. Once Aries season hits on the 20th you’ll be more focused to get organized, finish tasks, make a budget. Etc. It might be the start of the new Spring season inspiring! Maybe start that Spring cleaning now!


Gemini, this month will be so fun for you, yay! With Mars entering Gemini you will be overflowing with creative ideas and will want to communicate! Talking is your favourite thing to do, so be ready to speak and be seen in the first half of the month. Work on finishing any creative projects you have started in the last 6 months. As a fellow Gemini, I’m going to guess there are a lot! Pick the ones that you love the most and write, write, write (or create, if it’s not a writing project!).


Cancer, this month will feel more hopeful as you look ahead to your future. This month take time to focus on anything related to your work, career or business. Focus on your goals and aspirations but remember to still find a balance with your home life. 


Leo, this month is a time to reflect on anything that has happened in any of your relationships since the beginning of the year. Making sure you avoid any drama this month and integrate solutions to your relationships, old and new. Focus on your future self. What can you do right now to help you get there? Write it down. Mars is in Gemini after all!


Virgo, this month we have a balance of relationships and work. You might be feeling some energy to be more public with your work, to allow others to see what you are doing. Also, your personal relationships are overall looking very good for you! Clear waters ahead!


Libra, this month we focus on your daily routine and environment. Reflect and recover from any stress that has built up so far this year and remember that it is okay to rest. Prioritize yourself! Mars in Gemini will be trining you so remember to get creative, be inspired and journal your inward and outward feelings!


Scorpio, this month will be wonderful for you. Scorpio (water energy) trines Pisces (water energy) so you have the possibility of everything being sensual, beautiful and pleasurable. Get inspired, feel the joy, March is your month!


Sagittarius, this month is all about your relationships! Once Aries season hits your relationships might be heating up, in both good and bad ways. Remember to keep your cool and remember why you are so driven to act passionately and that kindness is always a choice!


Capricorn, this month don’t hold yourself back with your usually strong demeanour. Remember that it is okay to be soft sometimes in your relationships! Especially with that special someone, you may be focusing your attention on.


Aquarius, this month you may feel a little relief. We just finished up with that Aquarius Stellium (3 or more planets in the same sign) during your birthday season! Give yourself a break this month and indulge your inner child. A.k.a do what you loved to do as a kid! There is wisdom to be found in reconnecting with what you loved to do so much when you were younger.


Pisces, this month enjoy your season while it is here until March 19th. Venus is in your sign and Mercury will join it on March 15th. What does this mean for you? Still enjoy your beautiful, dreamy and spiritual world but don’t forget about some practical things that need to get done. Do those mundane things and get them over with, like maybe your taxes, so you can go back to enjoying your season!

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscope! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal (birth) chart reading, astrology mentorship or want to learn more about astrology as a whole, reach out. I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology (1:1 and online courses), it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! If you want to work together and you mention you read this post you’ll get 20% off any of my services!

Lots of Love,