September 2021 Horoscopes


September Horoscopes by Lisa Kiss

Happy September! Lisa Kiss here, Hamilton Astrologer! I hope you enjoyed last month’s horoscopes and learned something new about astrology! Now let’s get into some of the big events happening in September before reading your Horoscope!


September 6th/7th New Moon in Virgo 
Set intentions around self-care, organization and service. Is there a new healthy habit (emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually) you can start? 

September 10th Venus enters Scorpio 
A time for going deep, not only with yourself but with others. You're not going to be able to get excited about a relationship unless it has that potential. 

September 14th Mars enters Libra 
You may find yourself working in more collaborative environments. 

September 20th Full Moon in Pisces 
Evaluate your progress and celebrate your growth around practical and spiritual self-care techniques. How do you build them and how are they connected? 

September 22nd Sun enters Libra 
A focus on relationships comes up wanting to bring harmony into your life. 

September 27th Mercury Retrograde in Libra Starts 
Re-visit and reevaluate your closest partnerships. 


I write these monthly horoscopes based on Rising Sign (Ascendant or AC). If you do not know your Rising/Ascendant Sign please read for your Sun Sign instead. You can find your AC on your natal chart. I recommend using to get your chart. 


Aries, this month your area of focus is health and daily routines. Do you have a morning practice or a consistent health routine? If you don’t have one in place, this Virgo Season energy is going to urge you to start or re-start! Your success is found in your daily habits so add and remove as needed!


Taurus, this month fun and creativity will occupy your mind. Have you been allowing yourself to be creative the last few weeks? Getting more into music, creating playlists, singing or instruments might be one way for you to tap into your creative side! Watch out for a boost from the New Moon on Sept 6th/7th to set new intentions around your creativity!


Gemini, this month home and family are your focus! Either where you currently live will be evaluated or maybe you are actually moving. It might just be re-decorating that you do with your physical home. The topic of family may come up frequently or having that urge to “go home” or be with family and those friends who are family!


Cancer, this month is all social networking and communications. Phone buzzing? DM’s coming in more than usual? That’s the effect of Virgo right now. You may even feel more inclined to be more social and come out of your shell. Literally though, as a Cancer, you have the ability to hide away in your shell but Virgo season is here to tell you it is safe to come out and talk to everyone!


Leo, this month will be all about values, desires, goal setting and finances. Look at your job or business and see how everything is looking. Try to focus on the details. Virgo season is asking you to be picky about what you truly desire. Get specific. Are your current career actions in line with your long-term goal and desires? Now would be a great time for you to make that list of things to tackle that are practical and then a dream list. Make sure there is alignment between the two.


Virgo, this month will be all about identity because it is your season after all! It’s your time to shine! And clean, get organized, make all the lists and help your people out who might be struggling with how to deal with all this Virgo energy in the air! Mars in Virgo until September 14th is giving you an extra energy boost to be yourself and tackle what you need to do to plan out the rest of the year in classic Virgo style.


Libra, this month is centred around spirituality and higher purpose. The area that is illuminated for you right now is considered the realm of the unseen. Are there things you are avoiding? Virgo Season will ask you to face them gently so you can connect to your true self and soul desires. This may be through spiritual practice. Have you forgotten about your practices? Even 10 minutes of meditation in the morning can help you with connecting to your higher purpose if you have been feeling lost. Virgo is here to help you ground through the spiritual.


Scorpio, this month we have a community and friendship focus. You may be feeling a boost of social energy and wanting to hang out in groups virtually or IRL. Maybe even joining a community of like-minded people will come up as an opportunity. Be open to being social and maybe expanding your tight-knit circle of friends. Carefully, of course, and vet as needed in true Scorpio fashion.


Sagittarius, this month you will focus on your career. Big career changes are on the way! This could manifest as a career change, being promoted, changing companies, starting a business or side gig! You’re focused on how you are seen at work and the value you bring to the table. Look for opportunities around your career and how you can up-level what you are currently working on!


Capricorn, this month will be all about education and self-discovery. Now is the time to sign-up for a course especially if you’ve been eyeing one! Education and self-discovery can help you in climbing that mountain of goals you are on your way to achieving! Getting to know yourself even better can help you out in some future career calling that will be happening for you next month!


Aquarius, this month is all about business/finance and going deep into any shadow work. Is there something that has been bothering you and you’ve been avoiding it? Not this month! You’re being asked to take a look, feel the pain it may bring up and transmute it for change. Change yourself, change the world. It starts with you, Aquarius!


Pisces, this month is about relationships and partnerships. Whether you are single or in a relationship this month you will be called to focus on any 1:1 partnership in your life and check in on it. You need to make sure all these 1:1’s are working for you, not against you, while also making sure they are working for the other person as well. Not everyone needs to come into Fall with you. This Virgo energy is asking you to take a look at what is serving you and clear out as needed.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Horoscopes! If you are ever interested or curious about a natal chart reading or my new astrology school please reach out, I’d love to connect. I have a few different ways I teach astrology, it is a true passion of mine and I’d love to share that with you! See you next month!

Lots of Love, 

horoscopesLisa-Marie Kiss